Cross-functional Team Seminar.
Audiences- Healthcare providers including physicians, pharmacists, nurses, medical technicians, under the supervision from Dr. Wu, the Dean of the Department of Infection Diseases, and Pharmacist Lu, the Department of clinical Pharmacy in Chang-Gung Memorial Hospital, Linkou
NHQA (National Healthcare Quality Award) Medicine Evidence-based Competition
Collaborate with physicians on evidence-based competition searching meta-analyses based on clinical situations, drafting PowerPoint slides within 3 hours, and giving out the presentation with other groups.
Audiences- All healthcare providers within the
Seminar Presentation within department of Pharmacy
Introduction of clinical trial on DAPA-CKD Trial
and treatment guideline- ADA guideline
within the Department of Pharmacy.
Audiences- Pharmacists in the department.
Poster for 2023 ICPE Conference
(International Conference on Pharmacoepidemiology and Therapeutic Risk Management) at Halifax, Canada
Conducting easy-going slides for patient education on diabetes and related medication